Girl Monday is a nineteen-year old college student trying to make ends meet and is somewhat hindered by her intense love for clothing, makeup, and shoes. She is currently a resident of Pennsylvania and is interested in journalism, art, marketing, advertising, social media, and eating things. She can be found haunting the gym, the King of Prussia mall, or local comic book store. Sometimes she can even be found in her room studying.

WHAT I WORE: 11/12/2011

posted by Girl Monday... on

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I wore...

♥ White tanktop dress from Forever 21 ♥ Grey boatneck giraffe sweater from YesStyle ♥ black leggings from Macy's ♥ Qupid Pack Wedge Boot ♥

I bought...

♥ Turtle ring from Payless ♥ Chandelier earrings from Payless ♥

Today was fantastic. A friend and I went into Philadelphia. We stopped for lunch at Mizu, one of my favorite sushi restaurants, and discovered that it was Korean run. Fantastic! Fellow Koreans, high five! Then we went to Nook and discovered the beauty of Japanese matcha lattes, followed by some light shopping, and dinner at Famous 4th Street Delicatessen. To the confusion of the other diners, we conversed in a mix of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, which was far better than what we did at Barnes and Noble, which was talk about animal manure. The conclusion we drew then was that manure was really nothing more than hipster shit. We are classy, elegant ladies, y'all.

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