Girl Monday is a nineteen-year old college student trying to make ends meet and is somewhat hindered by her intense love for clothing, makeup, and shoes. She is currently a resident of Pennsylvania and is interested in journalism, art, marketing, advertising, social media, and eating things. She can be found haunting the gym, the King of Prussia mall, or local comic book store. Sometimes she can even be found in her room studying.

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If fashion is a language, then women have a much wider vocabulary. And we have a wider range of things we can say in that vocabulary.
So again: Fashion is one of the very few forms of expression in which women have more freedom than men.
And I don’t think it’s an accident that it’s typically seen as shallow, trivial, and vain.
It is the height of irony that women are valued for our looks, encouraged to make ourselves beautiful and ornamental… and are then derided as shallow and vain for doing so. And it’s a subtle but definite form of sexism to take one of the few forms of expression where women have more freedom, and treat it as a form of expression that’s inherently superficial and trivial. Like it or not, fashion and style are primarily a women’s art form. And I think it gets treated as trivial because women get treated as trivial.
- Fashion Is A Feminist Issue: Greta Christina

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