Girl Monday is a nineteen-year old college student trying to make ends meet and is somewhat hindered by her intense love for clothing, makeup, and shoes. She is currently a resident of Pennsylvania and is interested in journalism, art, marketing, advertising, social media, and eating things. She can be found haunting the gym, the King of Prussia mall, or local comic book store. Sometimes she can even be found in her room studying.

INSPIRATION BOARD: Onna no hito no getsuyoubi

posted by Girl Monday... on

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What I'm into right now: crazy colors paired with black, crazy hair, crazier eyeliner, stripes, and Japan, because the Japanese know how to get crazy.

For the curious, the characters in the middle are onna no hito no getsuyoubi, which means Woman of Monday. Four months of first-year Japanese are really paying off!

The picture on the left was taken by Lara Jade. The rest are from random places all over the internet that happened to find their ways into my computer.

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