Girl Monday is a nineteen-year old college student trying to make ends meet and is somewhat hindered by her intense love for clothing, makeup, and shoes. She is currently a resident of Pennsylvania and is interested in journalism, art, marketing, advertising, social media, and eating things. She can be found haunting the gym, the King of Prussia mall, or local comic book store. Sometimes she can even be found in her room studying.

DIY: Homemade Eye Makeup Remover

posted by Girl Monday... on

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While this isn't exactly a well-kept secret, there's absolutely no reason to keep buying eye makeup remover (approximately $4-8 a bottle) when the homemade kind is incredibly easy to make, cheaper, and much longer lasting. You only need three things:

  • Petroleum jelly
  • Q-tips
  • Alcohol- and fragrance-free baby wipes

Roll the Q-tip around in the petroleum jelly, spread it on top of and underneath your lids, then use the baby wipes to remove the jelly.

Why would you do this instead of buying eye makeup remover?

Petroleum jelly costs about $1-2 per jar and will last for months. It won't sting or otherwise irritate the skin around your eyes and may in fact be good for them! Some people even swear that combing it through your eyelashes will help lengthen and thicken them. As for the baby wipes...if it's good enough for a baby's butt, it's good enough for your face.

I've been removing my makeup this way for about a month now and I have to say, my eyelashes are looking fantastic. There's so much less breakage than there used to be. Not to mention this is a more effective eye makeup remover than store brands. Sometimes when my mascara is on really thickly, I have to do this several times, but no worries--the whole point of this is that this stuff comes cheaply!

I love DIY beauty treatments. They're not only fun to make but also fun to apply, and usually quite edible.

Tutorials from around the web:
  • Customized Earrings @ CollegeFashion (The technique she uses to transfer the image can also be used to transfer images to cloth. Just want to put that out there!)
  • Feathered headband/hat @ Craftser (So pretty! I'm not a particularly craftsy person, but if someone were to make this for me, I'd probably take them out to Starbucks or something.)
  • Castor oil facial cleanser @ myLot (I did this for about a year...not only was it amazing for my skin, but it was so so cheap as well. The best part is that because you're making it yourself, you can adjust the formula to suit your skin type. However, I'd caution against using it to remove makeup - while it will do the job, often it initially causes some breakouts.)
  • Homemade Pumpkin Mask Recipe @ bellasugar (This looks good for both your skin and your belly...)
  • Body scrub @ the creative mama (I used a recipe very similar to this in high school and I can testify - it works! Plus it's fun to feel it all melting off your skin as you stand in the shower. Beauty should be fun!)
  • Lush Sweet Lips Lip Scrub & DIY Lip Scrub Recipe @ askmissa (My lips often get so dry in the winter that either this or Vaseline is the only thing that will fix them. Not to mention, every time I licked my lips I got to taste all that delicious sugar.)

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