Girl Monday is a nineteen-year old college student trying to make ends meet and is somewhat hindered by her intense love for clothing, makeup, and shoes. She is currently a resident of Pennsylvania and is interested in journalism, art, marketing, advertising, social media, and eating things. She can be found haunting the gym, the King of Prussia mall, or local comic book store. Sometimes she can even be found in her room studying.

About Girl Monday


My name is Melody. I am nineteen, living on the East Coast in wet, grey Pennsylvania. I was born in California and was raised among multitudes of Chinese-Americans despite being Korean-American. I attend Bryn Mawr College and am an East Asian Studies major, and am currently slated to graduate in Fall 2012. After that...we'll see.

My favorite celebrity of all time is Edie Sedgwick. My favorite color is purple. I am an INTP, a Sagittarius, and a Four. I love clothes, movies, makeup, and shoes. I would describe my personal style as a hipster rocker (a rockster!). I am drawn to the edgy and the cute, but most of all to the items that are a weird hybrid of both. I have a serious yen for series that invoke a sense of childhood nostalgia.

Monday Is A Girl

What on earth does that mean? Girl Monday? Is that a play on Girl Friday?

I drew inspiration for the name of the blog from the old nursery rhyme that begins Monday's child is fair of face. A child born on Monday will be beautiful, and that is what this blog is all about: beauty, both inner AND outer! As for Girl Monday, well...Mondays are the opposite of Fridays, and I'm all about being as far from his girl Friday as it's possible to get.

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